Marxa Beret 2017, esquí de fondo popular y competitivo en la Val d’Aran

El fin de semana del 4 y 5 de febrero la estación de esquí de la Val d’Aran, Baqueira Beret, acogerá la 38ª edición de la Marxa Beret. La popular carrera de esquí de fondo es la más multitudinaria de nuestro país.

Marxa BeretLa Marxa Beret reúne ya a más de 1.000 participantes en cada edición. Esta prueba forma parte del Circuito de Carreras Populares  de la Federación Internacional de Esquí (FIS) y de la Copa de España Real Federación Española Deportes de Invierno (RFEDI).

 Organizada por el Conselh Generau d’Aran, Baqueira Beret y el ayuntamiento de Naut Aran, la Marxa Beret se disputa en el Pla de Beret, en las distancias de 10, 21 y 42 kilómetros. La prueba sigue en el calendario del Circuito de Carreras Populares de esquí de fondo (categoría ML) de la FIS. Además, por primera vez ha entrado a formar parte de la Copa España del calendario de la Real Federación Española Deportes de Invierno (RFEDI).

Cuenta además con la colaboración de la Associacion Volentaris Val d’Aran, Foment Torisme Val d’Aran, Diputació de Lleida, Ayuntamiento de Vielha e Mijaran, Pompièrs d’Aran, Aran Salut, Mossos d’Esquadra, INS d’Aran, además de la RFEDI, la Federació Catalana d’Esports d’Hivern (FCEH) y los distintos patrocinadores.

Programa de la Marxa Beret

Sábado 4:

9:30 – Apertura de la “Casa de Acogida” de Salardú

16:00 – Exibición «Sprint Salomon» en Arties

19:00 – Reparto de premios

19:30 – Presentación de la 38ª Marxa Beret en Salardú

20:30 – Cierre de inscripciones

Domingo, 5 de febrero

10:00 – Salida 38ª Marxa Beret

13:30 – Reparto de premios

14:00 – Ceremonia de Clausura

14:30 – Cierre del circuito

Este año, las inscripciones de la Marxa Beret únicamente pueden formalizarse a través de la web o durante los días de la prueba en la Casa de Acogida. Los que se inscriban antes del 31 de enero participarán en el sorteo de dos esquíes Salomon.

Internacional y familiar

La pasada edición de la Marxa Beret congregó alrededor de 1200 fondistas, casi la mitad de los cuales procedentes de países nórdicos, Alemania, Austria, Holanda o Italia. Este impulso internacional permitió consolidar el evento entre deportistas de alto nivel pero también entre familias que ya esperan esta fiesta del esquí de fondo.

Más información en la Web de la Marxa Beret

Marxa Beret and European Championship Nordic skiing this weekend


Marxa Beret varisHigh excitement in the Val d’Aran this weekend before the celebration of the popular cross-country ski race organized by the Conselh Generau d’Aran, the Ayuntamiento de Naut Aran and Baqueira Beret. The 37ª Marxa Beret, is included in the calendar of the International Ski Federation (FIS) in the circuit Euroloppet (European Tour marches long distance), and counts for the Catalan Cup and the European Nordic Skiing Marathons Championship.

The Marxa Beret has become one of the most important skiing competitions in Europe and strengthens its internationalization because in this 37th edition will host between 1400 and 1500 participants, 40% of which from Nordic countries, Germany, Austria and Italy, including Rolf Aschenbrenner, from Austria and Eric Weis from Luxemburg. They have also confirmed their participation Ioseba Rojo, from the Real Federación Española de Deportes de Invierno (RFEDI) team, Diego Ruiz, Jesús Labanda, Martí Vigo and Ruben Caseny.

Parallel to the celebration of the Marxa Beret, which this year has a budget of € 120,000, will be also a new edition of the fair of sports equipment “Esport Nhèu” and an exhibition on the history of the different issues that can and visit from now in the Museu dera Nhèu of Unha.


Thursday 4

Inauguration of the first Fira de l’Esport i Neu “Nheusport”

Friday 5

Opening ceremony of the 37th Marxa Beret and Nordic Ski European Championships

Saturday 6

15km and 30 km freestyle tests

Sunday 7

10 km, 21 km and 42 km classic style tests

The Val d'Aran will host the European Nordic Skiing Marathons Championship under the 37th Marxa Beret


Marxa-Beret-21The upcoming 6th and 7th February will be a new edition of the popular cross-country ski race organized by the Conselh Generau d’Aran, the Ayuntamiento de Naut Aran and Baqueira Beret. The 37ª Marxa Beret, is included in the calendar of the International Ski Federation (FIS) in the circuit Euroloppet (European Tour marches long distance), and counts for the Catalan Cup and the European Nordic Skiing Marathons Championship.

During the official presentation of the 2016 edition, the vicesindic d’Aran Luis Carlos Medina, said that by holding this international event “the Marxa Beret has become one of the most important skiing competitions in Europe and strengthens its internationalization because in this 37th edition will host participants from over 15 countries, among them skiers of Norway, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Belgium, Austria, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland, France and, of course, Spanish riders, Andorran, Catalan and Aranese, which makes skiers forecast between 1,300 and 1,400 competitors ”

To carry out the competition, they have definitively marked the 15Km and 30Km circuits for Saturday 6th and circuits 10Km, 21Km and 42km for Sunday 7th. In the European Nordic Skiing Marathons Championship, will win the skier who gets the best time in Skater on Saturday and 30Km and 42km in Classic on Sunday.

Registration for participating in the competition can be completed until February 2 through the website of the 37th Marxa Beret and on 5th and 6th February in Salardu.

Excellent organizational level

A human group of more than 230 people, composed Volentaris d’Aran, Catalan police, Pompiers d’Aran and the Aranés Welfare and Health Service, will participate in organizing the event. Also Torisme Val d’Aran, has set up in coordination with the organizers, an information service to provide participants access to accommodation, catering establishments and other services during their stay.

Parallel to the celebration of the Marxa Beret, which this year has a budget of € 120,000, will be also a new edition of the fair of sports equipment “Esport Nhèu” and an exhibition on the history of the different issues that can and visit from now in the Museu dera Nhèu of Unha.