Aymar Navarro opens today the SnowFest 2015



AYMAR NAVARROFriday at 20h the champion freeriding, Aymar Navarro, will open as a goodfather, the third edition of Snowfest Pirineus 2015, in the church square of Vielha with the presence of institutional representatives from the Val d’Aran, between them the conselhèra of Tourism and Economic Development, Anna Diaz and the vicesindic and Sports conselher, Luis Carlos Medina.

The opening ceremony will give the starting signal for the lighting of the Christmas lights and open  a flasbmob snowdance to dance and encourage snow season. Then will begin the complete program of this year that includes educational, festive, artistic, gastronomic activities and sports demonstrations, in addition to the  Salon Winter Expo where top brand clothing and sports equipment will show the new season collections.

Full program of the SnowFest 2015.

Tribute to the Aranese athletes Aymar Navarro and Nacho Sacau



Aymar_canal Les_1Les City Council held on Saturday November 7 at 20h in the Auditorium, a tribute to the athletes Aymar Navarro and Nacho Sacau, local residents, in recognition of his sporting merit achieved.

Aymar Navarro, competing in the Freeride World Tour, is considered the best Spanish professional freerider and one of the best in Europe. During his pre-season in South America last summer became the first to make the descent virgin near the ski resort of “Las Leñas”, in the Andes, a very technical and difficult and remote access down. After achieving the Aranese athlete and his American companion, dubbed the descent as “Les Channel”, in honour of his hometown.

The non-professional mountaineer Nacho Sacau culminated this summer the Nun summit (7135m, India) along with a small group of climbers. Intrepid adventurer and athlete, he’s known for its versatility and especially for being one of the greatest connoisseurs of climbing routes on rock and ice of the Val d’Aran. He currently works with the City of Les equipping.

Les channel

Last July Aymar Navarro launched to discover new routes in the Argentine Andes near the city of Mendoza, one of the freeriders favourite places because of its difficulty.

After a period of investigation of this unknown and dangerous place, with its American partner, Dorian Densmore, he opened the new route and dubbed it Les Channel. In a statement to The North Face he said that “it has not been easy. There were tense and scary moments because the slope is a constant 55 ° -60 ° until it ends. ”

Aymar compete at the highest level, having achieved top-10 finishers in the top flight of the Freeride World Tour.

The Aran vicesindic and Conselher of Sports, Luis Carlos Medina, said “Aymar is establishing itself as one of the best riders on the international scene and is proud to carry the territory of the Val d’Aran as standard.”