Les y Arties celebran la declaración de las Hèstes Der Huec del Pirineo como patrimonio inmaterial de la Unesco

E_19770bEl comité intergubernamental de la Unesco ha declarado las fallas del Pirineo como Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Humanidad. Esta catalogación contempla las 63 fiestas del fuego que se celebran durante el solsticio de verano en los Pirineos, entre las cuales se incluyen La crèma deth Haro de Les i la crèma deth Taro d’Arties.

La candidatura se ha llevado a cabo a través del gobierno de Andorra con la participación de diversos territorios dentro del estado español: Alt Urgell, Pallars Jussà, Pallars Subirà, Ribagorça, Ribagorza aragonesa o Sobrarbe y Aran y de Françia, el Cominges. “Hay que agradecer al gobierno de Andorra su voluntad de llevar adelante este proyecto de la declaración y que nos haya ofrecido participar en él”, ha declarado Jep Montoya, miembro del Departament de Cultura i Patrimoni del Consèlh Generau d’Aran i redactor de los expedientes de Les i Arties. “ha sido un expediente modélico que ha contado con la participación de tres estados con una absoluta coordinación”.

La conselhèra de Turisme i Desenvolupament Econòmic d’Aran, Anna Díaz Morelló, recuerda que “se trata de dos fiestas muy antiguas y arraigadas en la Val d’Aran. Antiguamente se celebraban en todos los pueblos pero solo Les y Artíes las han mantenido. Es una tradición muy entrañable y popular donde se implican todos los vecinos del pueblo y también los visitantes que se encuentran en la Val d’Aran por esas fechas. Desde el Consèlh hemos decidido volcarnos en la difusión de nuestras fiestas tradicionales, ya que hemos constatado que son un gran atractivo cultural que aquellos que las conocen no se quieren perder”.

Origen y desarrollo del ritual

Desde tiempos ancestrales, cuando llegaba el solsticio de verano, se celebraban en el Pirineo cuatro ritos muy extendidos: el del fuego purificador a través de los haros i de las halhes; el de tomar el rocío, el agua de esta noche, especial por sus virtudes milagrosas; el de recoger las plantas que han recibido el rocío y que adquieren también propiedades curativas, y el de jugar al escondite, en una noche en que la mujer se igualaba al hombre y lo tenía todo permitido.

El rito del fuego, que tiene sus inicios en la ceremonia pagana que se realizaba en honor al Dios Sol, -denominado Abelio en la Val d’Aran y en Cominges- con el tiempo se incorporó a la tradición cristiana y en algunas localidades se ha mantenido hasta nuestros días. Consiste en la quema de las fallas durante la noche más corta del año y con el fuego se escenifica este cambio de ciclo en el año solar, cuando comienza el declive del día. En Les y en Arties, las fallas se llaman haros o taros y son árboles de 12 m de altura.

Con este rito se perseguía la purificación, la quema de los malos espíritus –que en la Val d’Aran llamamos “erulets”- y de todo aquello que trae la desgracia y la enfermedad a humanos y animales. A continuación se llevaba una parte del carbón y las cenizas a las casas y a las cuadras para evitarles el mal, y otra parte a los huertos y campos para pedir buena cosecha.

Imágenes de las fiestas en este vídeo.

La crèma deth Haro de Les

HESTES DE LES 2007 (117)Tiene lugar el 23 de junio, festividad de San Juan y supone el inicio de las fiestas patronales de la localidad. Durante la velada se quema un tronco de abeto, el haro.

El escenario del ritual es la Plaça deth Haro, donde, sobre las 10 de la noche llega la procesión al ritmo de las danzas tradicionales de Es Corbilhuèrs de Les. Tras la bendición y encendido del haro por parte del sacerdote del pueblo, se le prende fuego, se le prende fuego y se procede a la quema de les halhes, una especie de antorchas fabricadas con corteza de cerezo que se hacen girar describiendo círculos y simulando la lucha para purificar y quemar los malos espíritus. La ceremonia finaliza con un baile alrededor del haro encendido, mientras en la plaza se sirve el “vin caud”, vino caliente con azúcar, ron y fruta que se toma junto a la tradicional coca de Sant Joan.

Unos días más tarde, el 29 de junio, festividad de San Pedro, tiene lugar la “Quilha deth haro”, es decir, la plantada del nuevo Haro. Los recién casados tienen el honor de distinguirlo con una corona de flores, como rito para pedir fecundidad. Este árbol preside la plaza vieja de Les durante un año, hasta la próxima noche de San Juan.

Asimismo, el segundo sábado de mayo el pueblo celebra la “xasclada” momento mágico en que se le clavan las cuñas al árbol y se convierte en sagrado. Cabe señalar que el levantamiento del haro se lleva a cabo con la misma técnica que usaba el hombre primitivo para enderezar los menhires: se levanta desde el suelo y a base de fuerza y de ir apuntalándolo se van ganando grados de altura hasta que finalmente se planta y se clava.

La crèma deth Taro d’Arties.

Por San Juan se celebra también en Artíes la llegada del solsticio de verano con la quema de un tronco de abeto, coincidiendo con el inicio de las fiestas mayores de la localidad. Esta celebración marcaba también el momento en que los ganaderos comenzaban a subir a los animales a los pastos más altos de las montañas.

Un mes antes de la fiesta, una expedición de hombres del pueblo sale a buscar el taro, lo cargan hacia el pueblo y lo preparan para su quema. Llegado el día, se le prende fuego y se arrastra por calles y plazas de Arties, acompañado de música y de los vítores de los asistentes, en un recorrido hasta altas horas de la madrugada y que acaba delante de la casa del alcalde, donde se deja totalmente carbonizado. Según la tradición, las cenizas del taro protegen, purifican y fertilizan, por lo que al esparcirlas por todo el pueblo alejan a los malos espíritus.

Actos en Les con motivo de la declaración

Para celebrar la nominación, en el pueblo de Les se han organizado un conjunto de actos que pretenden también dar difusión a la candidatura.

Miércoles 2

19:30 Repique de campanas en la iglesia de Les

19:45 Proyección audiovisual en la Plaça der Haro del tráiler de la presentación de la candidatura y del momento de la nominación como Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Unesco

20:00 Crema de Halhes y bailes populares de los Corbilhuèrs de Les. Himno nacional “Montanhes Araneses”

image00320:30 Vin Caud y chocolatada

Del 5 al 8 de diciembre

Exposición gráfica Hèstes deth Huec en el hall del ayuntamiento de Les

Lunes 7

18.00 Proyección audiovisual del tráiler de la presentación de la candidatura y del momento de la nominación como Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Unesco

Conferencia explicativa de la candidatura como Patrimonio Inmaterial de la Unesco

Winter schedules of Vielha and Toulouse tourist offices


Vielha Office

Oficina Turisme Vielha

New schedules of Vielha Tourist Office throughout the winter season from December 1 to March 27.

– Monday to Sunday from 9:30 to 13: 30h and from 16h to 20h

– We will close on 24 and 25 December, 1 and 6 January.

– Special schedule on December 31 and January 5: from 9:30 to 17: 30h


Toulouse Office 

Sophie Rachou, head of the office, serves those interested in the Val d’Aran and Baqueira Beret throughout the year and reports on tourism in all sectors: activities, heritage, culture, gastronomy, shopping, accommodation, restaurants, bars and all services in general.


Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 to 12: 30h and 14 to 18h

Tuesday and Thursday from 14 to 18h

39 rue Pharaon – 31000 Toulouse


The winter season starts in Val d'Aran with the opening of Snowfest


Aderes Gomez  - Pau Perdices - Juan Antonio Serrano - Aymar Anavarro - Luis Carlos Medina (Conselher d'Esports) - Toño Beso (presidente gemi comerciantes vielha) - Oriol Balaguer (pastelero), SnowFest 2015, Palacio de los Deportes de Vielha - Val d'Aran - Lleida, 27/11/2015; SnowFest/Gorka Martinez

Aderes Gomez – Pau Perdices – Juan Antonio Serrano – Aymar Anavarro – Luis Carlos Medina (Conselher d’Esports) – Toño Beso (presidente gemi comerciantes vielha) – Oriol Balaguer (pastelero), SnowFest 2015, Palacio de los Deportes de Vielha – Val d’Aran – Lleida, 27/11/2015; SnowFest/Gorka Martinez

A variety of activities related to the world of skiing will be held throughout the weekend for the Snowfest Pirineus 2015,  the Val d’Aran festival of snow which opened Friday. The event, held at the Palai d’Esports de Vielha, has enjoyed the presence of Aymar Navarro champion freeriding, which has acted as a sponsor of the event, Anna Díaz, conselhèra de Turisme i Desenvolupament Econòmic d’Aran and the vicesindic 1er y conselhèr d’Esports d’Aran, Luis Carlos Medina,, accompanied by Toño Beso, director of the Snowfest Pirineus 2015 and Ubeira Xavier, commercial director of Baqueira Beret, among others.

During the inauguration it has been tasted the chocolate prepared exclusively for this edition of Snowfest, by the pastry chef Oriol Balaguer, who will also conduct a workshop tomorrow about chocolate. Friday activities have continued with the Tapas Route Snowfest, Snowfest projection flashmob and the Avant-Première of the film “Aguestes Montanhes- Històries Baqueira” in Salardú.

More information in Snowfest 2015

Aymar Navarro opens today the SnowFest 2015



AYMAR NAVARROFriday at 20h the champion freeriding, Aymar Navarro, will open as a goodfather, the third edition of Snowfest Pirineus 2015, in the church square of Vielha with the presence of institutional representatives from the Val d’Aran, between them the conselhèra of Tourism and Economic Development, Anna Diaz and the vicesindic and Sports conselher, Luis Carlos Medina.

The opening ceremony will give the starting signal for the lighting of the Christmas lights and open  a flasbmob snowdance to dance and encourage snow season. Then will begin the complete program of this year that includes educational, festive, artistic, gastronomic activities and sports demonstrations, in addition to the  Salon Winter Expo where top brand clothing and sports equipment will show the new season collections.

Full program of the SnowFest 2015.

Leading brands and multiple activities in the Salon Winter Expo



IMG-20141129-WA0005-1024x429The Palai de Esports de Vielha host from Friday 27 to Sunday 27 the Salon Winter Expo, coinciding with the celebration of the Snowfest. Latest trends in clothing brands and sports equipment, manufacturers of technical equipment, Pyrenean snow and winter leisure tourism will be exhibited. In addition, the event will host the presentation of the acts of the winter season.

Among the main attractions of the Winter Expo, there is the presence of Oriol Balaguer, one of the best pastry chefs of Spain who will present the chocolat Snowfest 2015, inspired by the Val d’Aran, in a public tasting. Also, the design team SarahWorld, young brand group of Sara Navarro leader footwear sector in Spain, will present the winter capsule shoes and accessories Eco-cold, Eco-chic collection. It will be also featured in “premier” the Pireneus bag, specially designed for the third edition of this winter festival

Recycling workshops

Taking advantage of the event, the Conselh Generau d’Aran, in conjunction with the concessionaire of the service management of municipal waste in the Val d’Aran and in coordination with the IES Aran conducted workshops revitalization of recycling, especially targeting young. The aim of these is to increase the awareness and sensitivity of the inhabitants of the Val d’Aran to the selective collection of municipal waste to improve the area’s image, which is already distinguished with the certification of Biosphere territory.

And much more, because in the Salon Winter Expo there will be a flashmob dance in honor of the snow, fashion parades and draws forfeits and experiences.


Friday from 10 to 19h

Exhibitors, professionals, media and schools. Only by invitation.

13h: Presentation equipment winter ski resorts, tourist offices and sports clubs

16h. Official opening with the participation of our godfather, the freerider Aymar Navarro and the pastry chef Oriol Balaguer

Saturday from 10 to 21h

16h Workshop on creative recycling

17h. Public presentation and tasting the Snowfest chocolat by Oriol Balaguer

Presentation of the Pyrenees bag and shoes by Sarahworld

Parade “Descente & Bollywood dancing

Sunday from 10 to 19h

10h Workshop on creative recycling

7h Draw of Baqueira Beret ski passes, skis and 1 place in GORE-TEX Tour’16 experience offered by Copos Ski-Center.


Opening of the ski season in Val d'Aran



Baqueira-Beret-1The ski resort of Baqueira Beret open its doors on Saturday, as planned, and the opening will be accompanied of the Snowfest celebration, the great feast of Snow in Val d’Aran. At the moment the slopes have almost half a meter of snow after the snowfall of last weekend and is expected over the next few days new rainfall that in the highest levels could place the levels until 1 meter.

Baqueira snow production service is working to secure the connection with Beret and Bonaigua, and later this week the final list of open slopes for the 28th will be known. Station has available all its reservation service and purchase of ski seasonal forfait through their website. Among the new features this year there is the increasing the skiable area to 155 km and the new area of ​​entertainment and dining at the Hotel Montarto in Baqueira 1500 line.

Val d'Aran and Baqueira Beret under an igloo in the heart of Madrid



CUG4EngWcAMHbBiFrom today until next Saturday you will find us in our spectacular igloo camped in the heart of Madrid, from where we are eager to tell and show the innovations that we bring about the new ski season in Baqueira Beret.

More excitement on the slopes, the good times of après-ski, gourmet experiences with mountain flavours and many surprises will be unveiled to visitors while tasting aranese delicacies that we’ve brought. In addition, we will celebrate draws of stays, forfaits for the ski station, ski lessons, dinners in the restaurants of the Valley and a heli-skiing experience.

The snow a little bit closer!


Place :

Plaça Margaret Tatcher (Madrid)



Thursday 19: from 16 to 20 h

Friday 20 and Saturday 21: from 14 to 20 h

Aran Natura Convention Bureau in the ibtm®world



cataleg 2016 castella 2.FH11Business tourism in the Val d’Aran, mediated through Aran Natura Convention Bureau, will be present from today until Thursday 19 in the ibtm®world taking place at the Fira Gran Via. The event -before EIBTM- is consolidated as a meeting of incentives, events and meetings sector and has an intense program that includes everything from exhibitions and networking events to conferences and training sessions.

The Val d’Aran, with its excellent choice of hotels, the multiple options of quality tourism, all the services, facilities and complementary activities, is an ideal place for business tourism destination. Many Valley hotels, including 8 of 4 stars and 4 of 5 stars have conference rooms for different types of events and equipped with the latest technologies, and are in addition to other public sector facilities.

cataleg 2016 castella 2.FH11The natural environment, offers wellness, adventure sports activities and elite sports such as rafting, or helieskí bring other elements necessary to transform business into a pleasure. We invite you to visit us at stand B60 in Hall 3 of Fira de Barcelona.

More information about Natura Convention Bureau Aran this link.

Training for guides and interpreters of the Aranese heritage



Picture2 (Device Independent Bitmap) 1From 13 to 17 November will be a free course of 40 hours of interpretation of cultural and natural heritage Aranese organized by the Conselh Generau d’Aran. Aimed at all those tourist agents of the territory that work in the field of Aranese heritage and those interested in their knowledge, this training is conducted from a holistic, cultural and natural vision.

The course includes lectures, to be held in ETEVA classrooms and practices and visits to monuments and Aranese museums. Experts from the area of ​​Cultural Heritage Department of the Environment and the Center Avalanches of Conselh Generau d’Aran will teach all of them. Attendees will get a diploma.

The program also includes the conference Mèstres e talhèrs medievaus ena Val d’Aran, by Carla Valle, a specialist in medieval art and author of the section about Val d’Aran in the Romanesque Encyclopedia. The lecture, opened to all, registered or not in the course, will take place on Saturday 14 at 19 pm in the Conselh Generau d’Aran’s pressroom. The registration can be made until Thursday 12 November in the area of ​​Cultural Heritage of the Conselh Generau d’Aran, by phone (973 641 801) or email (e.ros@aran.org).


Tribute to the Aranese athletes Aymar Navarro and Nacho Sacau



Aymar_canal Les_1Les City Council held on Saturday November 7 at 20h in the Auditorium, a tribute to the athletes Aymar Navarro and Nacho Sacau, local residents, in recognition of his sporting merit achieved.

Aymar Navarro, competing in the Freeride World Tour, is considered the best Spanish professional freerider and one of the best in Europe. During his pre-season in South America last summer became the first to make the descent virgin near the ski resort of “Las Leñas”, in the Andes, a very technical and difficult and remote access down. After achieving the Aranese athlete and his American companion, dubbed the descent as “Les Channel”, in honour of his hometown.

The non-professional mountaineer Nacho Sacau culminated this summer the Nun summit (7135m, India) along with a small group of climbers. Intrepid adventurer and athlete, he’s known for its versatility and especially for being one of the greatest connoisseurs of climbing routes on rock and ice of the Val d’Aran. He currently works with the City of Les equipping.

Les channel

Last July Aymar Navarro launched to discover new routes in the Argentine Andes near the city of Mendoza, one of the freeriders favourite places because of its difficulty.

After a period of investigation of this unknown and dangerous place, with its American partner, Dorian Densmore, he opened the new route and dubbed it Les Channel. In a statement to The North Face he said that “it has not been easy. There were tense and scary moments because the slope is a constant 55 ° -60 ° until it ends. ”

Aymar compete at the highest level, having achieved top-10 finishers in the top flight of the Freeride World Tour.

The Aran vicesindic and Conselher of Sports, Luis Carlos Medina, said “Aymar is establishing itself as one of the best riders on the international scene and is proud to carry the territory of the Val d’Aran as standard.”