Baqueira Beret y Val d’Aran presentan la temporada de nieve en una gira por España

Baqueira2015La estación de esquí aranesa y Torisme de Val d’Aran participarán conjuntamente en una gira por una veintena de ciudades españolas para presentar las novedades la temporada hibernal 2015-2016, entre las que destacan las nuevas zonas de ocio de la estación.

Durante la gira se llevarán a cabo presentaciones en hoteles singulares de las principales ciudades de la zona de influencia de Baqueira Beret (Levante, centro y norte de España). Los diferentes eventos congregarán a clientes de la estación y medios de comunicación a los que se dará a conocer de primera mano cómo se plantea la temporada para el invierno que está a punto de empezar.

Asimismo, Baqueira Beret montará un stand donde se podrán contratar estancias y forfaits, además de participar en numerosos concursos -presenciales y a través de redes sociales- con importantes premios ofrecidos por Salomon, Torisme Val d’Aran y la propia estación.

Los ganadores de los concursos de cada ciudad y toda la información acerca de los lugares de las presentaciones, se publicarán en la web de Baqueira Beret y en las páginas de Facebook y Twitter de la estación.

Aquí os dejamos el calendario. Nos encontraréis de 18h a 21h en:

26/10 Burgos – NH Collection Palacio de Burgos, Calle de la Merced, 13

27/10 León – Parador Hostal San Marcos, Plaza de San Marcos, 7

28/10 A Coruña – Hesperia Finisterre, Paseo del Parrote, 2-4

29/10 Oviedo – AC Hotel Oviedo Forum by Marriot, Plaza de los Ferroviarios, 1

30/10 Valladolid – Hotel Olid, Plaza San Miguel, 10

31/10 Santander – Gran Hotel Sardinero, Plaza de Italia, 1

3/11 Vitoria – Silken Ciudad de Vitoria, Portal de Castilla, 8

4/11 Bilbao – Hotel Carlton, Plaza Federico Moyúa, 2

5/11 San Sebastián – Hotel María Cristina Luxury Collection, Paseo República Argentina, 4

6/11 Pamplona – Hotel Tres Reyes, Jardines de la Taconera, s/n

7/11 Zaragoza – Hotel Silken Reino de Aragon, Calle Coso, 80

11/11 Palma de Mallorca – Hotel Tryp Bellver, Paseo Maritimo Gabriel Roca,11

12/11 Tarragona – Hotel SB. Ciutat de Tarragona, Plaça de la Imperial Tarraco, 5

13/11 Lleida – Hotel HN Pirineos, Gran Passeig de Ronda, 63

14/11 Girona – Hotel Carlemany, Plaça Miquel Santaló I Pavor, 1

16/11 Alicante – Spa Porta Maris, Plaza Puente de Mar, 3

17/11 Valencia -SH Valencia Palace, Paseo de la Alameda, 32


* Comunicaremos las presentaciones de Madrid y Barcelona próximamente

Baqueira Beret and the aranese May Peus, CSD Mérito deportivo medal

may_xavi-medalha merit CSD

Xavier Ubeira, commercial director of Baqueira Beret and May Peus, RFEDI president

The fifty-year history of the ski resort of Val d’Aran, Baqueira Beret, and the work of the aranese May Peus in front of the Real Federación Española Deportes de Invierno (RFEDI) were recognized yesterday with the medal of Mérito Deportivo, award given by the Government of Spain through the Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD). The massive event, held at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, was presided by the Minister of de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Inigo Mendez de Vigo, and the president of the CSD, Miguel Cardinal.

The Nacarii caviar, exclusive product in the London Frieze 2015

Caviar Nacarii

The Nacarii caviar is distinguished by its authentic flavour, freshness, purity and transparency.

Read Google translation

The traditional caviar produced in the Val d’Aran by the artisan firm Nacarii occupies a place of honour in the VIP area of ​​the Frieze Art Fair 2015, held from today until Saturday 17 at London’s Regent’s Park. Through this cultural platform Aranese caviar is introduced “exclusively” in the UK.

Ibérica Food company, which this year has been selected to promote the Spanish restoration in the Vip Room, has chosen Nacarii with other products-all front row providers- to present the delicacies of the cuisine of Spain.

It was all very fast. Last week Iberica directives contacted us and today they received our caviar, which have chosen on the recommendation of renowned chefs, as they commented“, says Rosa Griso, marketing and sales of the company. “This is a recognition of the authentic flavour, freshness, purity and transparency of our product. Given the proliferation of large farms in Europe, we remain very true to who we are: small but excellent quality “.

Vip Room space in Frieze 2015, by which are expected to spend more than 5,000 people in the coming days, includes a restaurant, a deli, a bar and a lounge.

Val d'Aran and Baqueira Beret open new office in Toulouse


With the aim of boosting and promoting French tourism in Val d’Aran during all the year and in all tourist areas, the Consenheria de Torisme e Desvolopament Economic and the aranese ski station have signed an agreement to open a new office in Toulouse, whose inauguration is scheduled for October 21st.

The geographical scope of the Midi-Pyrenees capital, with 1.5 million residents, is a market of particular interest because of its proximity to the Valley and the demographic features of its citizens.

Baqueira Beret has an office in Bordeaux since 2011. With this second, promotion strategy in South and West of France will be covered, with expectations for a northward expansion.

October cattle fairs begin today


Feria ganadera de Sant Miquel (Vielha)

They are one of the most anticipated events in Val d’Aran and take place in major towns: Bossòst, Les, Salardú and Vielha. The cattle fairs remember the animals descent from the mountains to their confinement on the edges.

This event, which now attracts hundreds of professionals, curious and tourists, started more than a hundred years ago to show the native cattle used by farmers in the Aran fields. At present it has a more commercial and festive air with parallel organization of artisan markets and traditional folk events, along with the livestock show.

Bossòst, October 5th

Bossòst Cattle Fair shows the best specimens of sheep, goats, cows and horses across the region. That same day also take place in the village several exhibitions of agricultural and livestock traditions.

Les, October 6th

Agricultural and Livestock Fair in Les is one of the major events held in the village, along with the Spring one in May and the Immaculate one in December.

Salardu, October 7th

The origins of the Fair Livestock in Salardu back to the time when the people sold livestock that had just come down from mountain. Currently, besides the sale and exhibition of horses, sheep, cattle and goats, has the participation of traders and all kind of products.

Vielha, October 8th

Livestock exhibition in Vielha puts the end to the fairs with various events organized in the city. Usually livestock competitions, a popular breakfast, craft market and various activities in the fairground and in the Paseo de la Libertad are held.



Continua la exposición “Umans e natura: Trobades inesperades”

IMG_2400Hasta el 30 de marzo de 2016 se puede visitar en la iglesia de San Juan de Arties la exposición Umans e natura: Trobades inesperades una producción propia del Museo de la Val d’Aran que refleja la relación a lo largo del tiempo del hombre con este pequeño trocito del planeta, la Val d’Aran.

La adaptación del hombre a la Naturaleza y de la Naturaleza al hombre es una lucha constante por la subsistencia, el control y el dominio de esta. Podemos sacar provecho, la podemos explotar, pero, Ella, se desencadena libre y sin límites, a veces dulcemente y otras veces feroz, en forma de riadas, aludes, terremotos,… ¿Podemos controlarla? ¿Podemos dominarla? O la podemos conocer, adaptarnos e ir juntos.

Horarios de la temporada otoño-invierno

– Del 19 de septiembre al 29 de noviembre del 2015: Sábado y domingo. De 17:00 a 20:00 horas.

– Del 4 de diciembre al 31 de diciembre del 2015: De lunes a sábado de 17:00 a 20:00 horas. Domingo cerrado.

– Del 1 de enero al 30 de marzo del 2016: De lunes a sábado de 17:00 a 20:00 horas. Domingo cerrado.

Sis restaurants aranesos a la mostra gastronòmica de tardor

Sis restaurants de la Val d’Aran participen enguany en una nova edició de la Mostra Gastronòmica dera Codina Aranesa de tardor que se celebra a llarg de dues setmanes, del 28 de setembre a l’11 d’octubre, durant les quals s’ofereixen diferents menús que inclouen plats típics de la cuina aranesa.

Aquest esdeveniment gastronòmic pretén donar a conèixer i degustar als visitants els productes típics de la Val d’Aran, en una fusió de les receptes tradicionals de la cuina aranesa amb les elaboracions més creatives del segle XXI.

La setmana del 28 fins el 4 d’octubre les podreu tastar als restaurants Era Coquèla de Vielha, al Parador d’Arties i a l’Hotel Tuca de Betrén. La setmana del 5 a l’11 octubre, seran Era Mòla de Vielha, el Parador de Vielha i l’Unhòla de Bagergue els encarregats de cuinar-les. Tots ells seran oberts des de dilluns al migdia fins al diumenge a la nit.

Enjoy the new road Guardader dera aigua

In the Artiga Lin it has developed a draft service improvement and expansion of tourism which includes the recovery of historical roads in the area.

Dera is enabled Ermita Plan a parking area for 150 vehicles have been installed where public services and signaling of the main tourist attractions and suggestions for hikes in the area.
The saved Road deth wood Water is a new infrastructure that allows a leisurely stroll through the mixed forest of spruce and beech and that brings us to one of the wildest and natural corners of Joeu river.

The panels are given the existing serving area (parking, toilets, playgrounds, …) and routes as well as family middle and high mountain highlighting the new Route Aranesa Aneto.

We are currently working to recover the old road of the sources Soberado Gresilhon and will last until the new Camin deth deth guardader and Uelhs Joeu. This will have an alternative to the paved forest path for visitors who want to access on foot from the Hermitage of the Mair of Diu dera Artiga.

As future projects in the area include the upgrade and expansion of shelter Plan dera Artiga and adaptation and promotion of the Path to Aneto from Aran.



Empieza el Romanic Musicau 2015

As of July 18 churches in the Val d’Aran host a new edition of Romanic Musicau, series of free music concerts that fill the summer nights

The Romanic Musicau is a concert series that has a long tradition in the Val d’Aran, when it is about to celebrate two decades, this initiative continues to motivate every year music lovers and art lovers, who enjoy the music and explanations that makes an expert in Aranese heritage, architectural features and images and paintings of each of the churches where performances are held. The concerts are free and varied program for everyone to find a concert that is to your taste, this year has scheduled a concert harp, voice and guitar duet, a string quartet, a recital of gamba and theorbo and a performance by a duo of violin and guitar.

The concert series begins Sant Estèue Betren
Sant Estèue of Betren, church which have the first historical references in the fourteenth century, will host the first concert of the 2015 cycle Musicau Romanic Berta Puigdemasa open the season, this young harpist born in 1987, was formed in Barcelona Conservatory, Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid, Koninklijk Conservatorium Den Haag, Conservatoire National Régional de Paris, Ecole Normale de musician and Université Paris Sorbonne Paris, Berta constantly researching and working the sound cultural innovation, and artistic.
At 20,00h. attendees can discover the peculiarities of the church in which they live Betren Romanesque and Gothic styles in the architectural setting. Once the explanations, Berta Puigdemasa his harp made and will be the culmination of a magical night.

Harp workshop to the church of Sant Blas Les Younger guests this year the opportunity to participate in the church of Sant Blas Les, a harp workshop, designed to familiarize them with this instrument.
