The fifty-year history of the ski resort of Val d’Aran, Baqueira Beret, and the work of the aranese May Peus in front of the Real Federación Española Deportes de Invierno (RFEDI) were recognized yesterday with the medal of Mérito Deportivo, award given by the Government of Spain through the Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD). The massive event, held at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, was presided by the Minister of de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Inigo Mendez de Vigo, and the president of the CSD, Miguel Cardinal.
The Nacarii caviar, exclusive product in the London Frieze 2015
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The traditional caviar produced in the Val d’Aran by the artisan firm Nacarii occupies a place of honour in the VIP area of the Frieze Art Fair 2015, held from today until Saturday 17 at London’s Regent’s Park. Through this cultural platform Aranese caviar is introduced “exclusively” in the UK.
Ibérica Food company, which this year has been selected to promote the Spanish restoration in the Vip Room, has chosen Nacarii with other products-all front row providers- to present the delicacies of the cuisine of Spain.
“It was all very fast. Last week Iberica directives contacted us and today they received our caviar, which have chosen on the recommendation of renowned chefs, as they commented“, says Rosa Griso, marketing and sales of the company. “This is a recognition of the authentic flavour, freshness, purity and transparency of our product. Given the proliferation of large farms in Europe, we remain very true to who we are: small but excellent quality “.
Vip Room space in Frieze 2015, by which are expected to spend more than 5,000 people in the coming days, includes a restaurant, a deli, a bar and a lounge.
Val d'Aran and Baqueira Beret open new office in Toulouse
With the aim of boosting and promoting French tourism in Val d’Aran during all the year and in all tourist areas, the Consenheria de Torisme e Desvolopament Economic and the aranese ski station have signed an agreement to open a new office in Toulouse, whose inauguration is scheduled for October 21st.
The geographical scope of the Midi-Pyrenees capital, with 1.5 million residents, is a market of particular interest because of its proximity to the Valley and the demographic features of its citizens.
Baqueira Beret has an office in Bordeaux since 2011. With this second, promotion strategy in South and West of France will be covered, with expectations for a northward expansion.
October cattle fairs begin today
They are one of the most anticipated events in Val d’Aran and take place in major towns: Bossòst, Les, Salardú and Vielha. The cattle fairs remember the animals descent from the mountains to their confinement on the edges.
This event, which now attracts hundreds of professionals, curious and tourists, started more than a hundred years ago to show the native cattle used by farmers in the Aran fields. At present it has a more commercial and festive air with parallel organization of artisan markets and traditional folk events, along with the livestock show.
Bossòst, October 5th
Bossòst Cattle Fair shows the best specimens of sheep, goats, cows and horses across the region. That same day also take place in the village several exhibitions of agricultural and livestock traditions.
Les, October 6th
Agricultural and Livestock Fair in Les is one of the major events held in the village, along with the Spring one in May and the Immaculate one in December.
Salardu, October 7th
The origins of the Fair Livestock in Salardu back to the time when the people sold livestock that had just come down from mountain. Currently, besides the sale and exhibition of horses, sheep, cattle and goats, has the participation of traders and all kind of products.
Vielha, October 8th
Livestock exhibition in Vielha puts the end to the fairs with various events organized in the city. Usually livestock competitions, a popular breakfast, craft market and various activities in the fairground and in the Paseo de la Libertad are held.
Continua la exposición “Umans e natura: Trobades inesperades”
Hasta el 30 de marzo de 2016 se puede visitar en la iglesia de San Juan de Arties la exposición “Umans e natura: Trobades inesperades” una producción propia del Museo de la Val d’Aran que refleja la relación a lo largo del tiempo del hombre con este pequeño trocito del planeta, la Val d’Aran.
La adaptación del hombre a la Naturaleza y de la Naturaleza al hombre es una lucha constante por la subsistencia, el control y el dominio de esta. Podemos sacar provecho, la podemos explotar, pero, Ella, se desencadena libre y sin límites, a veces dulcemente y otras veces feroz, en forma de riadas, aludes, terremotos,… ¿Podemos controlarla? ¿Podemos dominarla? O la podemos conocer, adaptarnos e ir juntos.
Horarios de la temporada otoño-invierno
– Del 19 de septiembre al 29 de noviembre del 2015: Sábado y domingo. De 17:00 a 20:00 horas.
– Del 4 de diciembre al 31 de diciembre del 2015: De lunes a sábado de 17:00 a 20:00 horas. Domingo cerrado.
– Del 1 de enero al 30 de marzo del 2016: De lunes a sábado de 17:00 a 20:00 horas. Domingo cerrado.
Sis restaurants aranesos a la mostra gastronòmica de tardor
Sis restaurants de la Val d’Aran participen enguany en una nova edició de la Mostra Gastronòmica dera Codina Aranesa de tardor que se celebra a llarg de dues setmanes, del 28 de setembre a l’11 d’octubre, durant les quals s’ofereixen diferents menús que inclouen plats típics de la cuina aranesa.
Aquest esdeveniment gastronòmic pretén donar a conèixer i degustar als visitants els productes típics de la Val d’Aran, en una fusió de les receptes tradicionals de la cuina aranesa amb les elaboracions més creatives del segle XXI.
La setmana del 28 fins el 4 d’octubre les podreu tastar als restaurants Era Coquèla de Vielha, al Parador d’Arties i a l’Hotel Tuca de Betrén. La setmana del 5 a l’11 octubre, seran Era Mòla de Vielha, el Parador de Vielha i l’Unhòla de Bagergue els encarregats de cuinar-les. Tots ells seran oberts des de dilluns al migdia fins al diumenge a la nit.