Casa Chin
Know the house A few years ago I went to live at Casa Chin with my family although I lived all my life, until I went to University. In fact, the house is an inheritance that I received with gratitude and respect from many generations (we have found a mention of Casa Chin from the […]
Casa Cuny
Know the house A few years ago I went to live at Casa Chin with my family although I lived all my life, until I went to University. In fact, the house is an inheritance that I received with gratitude and respect from many generations (we have found a mention of Casa Chin from the […]
Casa Puig
Looking for tranquility? Good views? Family atmosphere? What you will find at Casa Cuny, in the quiet town of Casau Vielha 2 km and 14 km from the ski resort of Baqueira Beret. Cuny House built in 1857, 6 double rooms, easy access and easy parking. From the village of Casau, we have different hiking […]
Casa Curbelies
Casa Dera Hònt
Casa Jansú
Casa Uishèra