Route Montgarri
Route: Baqueira 1500 -Pla de Beret (1.840 m) - Montgarri- Santuari de Montgarri (1.645 m) Difficulty: Medium Type: 4x4 Description At an altitude of 1655 m, Montgarri was, until the seventies, the highest inhabited village of Arán, at the head of the Noguera Pallaresa, which rises in Pla de Beret, at an altitude of 1840 [...]
Route Ribera de Margalida
Route: Baqueira 1500 -Pla de Beret (1.840 m) - Montgarri- Santuari de Montgarri (1.645 m) Difficulty: Medium Type: 4x4 Description At an altitude of 1655 m, Montgarri was, until the seventies, the highest inhabited village of Arán, at the head of the Noguera Pallaresa, which rises in Pla de Beret, at an altitude of 1840 [...]
Ruta Bassa d'Arres
Route: Salardú- Bagergue-Bòrda Era Lana – Coll de Varradòs – Sauth de Pish- Pònt d’Arròs (opcional) Difficulty: Medium Type: 4x4 Description: This unique valley provides a magnificent vantage point to take in the Low Arán, crowned by the Pico de Montlude, at 2518 m. The visitor will delight in the utter splendour of nature in [...]
Ruta Bassa d'Arres-Ribera de Margalida
Route: Vilamòs - Arres de Sos - Bassa d'Arres Difficulty: low Type: 4x4 Description: It can be reached by the Vilamòs-Arres de Sus local road. Once you reach Arres, continue along a dirt track for 2.5 km, approximately, until you reach the Bassa d'Arres. The recreational area is next to the reservoir.
Ruta Montcorbau. Mair de Diu des desamparats
Recorrido: Pònt d’Arròs-Vilamós-Arres de Sus- (Bassa d’Arres)- Bossòst Dificultad: media Tipo: 4x4 Descripción: Desde Pont d’Arròs, situado a 5 Km. de Vielha en dirección Francia por la N-230, sale la carretera que sube al pueblo de Vilamós ( 6 Km.) ( 1255 m.). Vilamòs se alza majestuosamente sobre la Vall de l’Artiga de Lin y [...]
Ruta Portet. La casa de los ingenieros
Route: Montcorbau Difficulty: media Type: 4x4 Description: Points of interest. MAIR DE DIU DES DESAMPARATS. Sunny area surrounded by red pines and with great views above the Garona River. Apt during the spring, summer and autumn. Passing Vielha in the direction of Bossost take the local road LV-5052 that leads to Vilac. Leave the village [...]
Ruta Ribera de Bagergue Unhola
Route: Les Difficulty: Medium Type: 4x4 Description: Point of interest: ERA CASA DES ENGINHÈRS (the engineers house). An area for passing by with small dimensions and with minimum facilities in a fir tree forest. From the village of Les take the trail that goes along the side of the football field and is only paved [...]
Ruta Ribera de Valarties
Route: Salardú- Bagergue-Bòrda Era Lana – Coll de Varradòs – Sauth de Pish- Pònt d’Arròs (opcional) Difficulty: Medium Type: 4x4 Description: The valley faces N-S. This orientation, plus its rocky characteristics, means that unlike the rest of the valley vegetation here is rather sparse. In the high part lies the lake area of Liat, and [...]
Ruta Ribera del Nere-Tuca
Route: Arties-Pònt de Ressec-Val de Valarties Difficulty: media Type: 4x4 Description: High mountain valley with the presence of the emblematic Tuc deth Montarto, 2833 m. It is a starting point for major climbs, such as the north face of the Bessibèrri (3015 m). There are numerous lakes in the area, although special mention must be [...]
Ruta Ribera del Salient
Route: Vielha-Ribera deth Nere-Tuca-Betren-Vielha Difficulty: Medium Type: 4x4 Description: The lower part of the banks of the river Nere, near Viella, is populated by riverbank vegetation which exudes the freshness of the river. The higher part is wilder, being a veritable high mountain area, where Lake Hòro, nestling at the foot of La Forcanada (2880 [...]
Ruta Val de Ruda
Route: Vilac-Mirador Ribera deth Salient-(Coret de Mont)- Vilac Difficulty: Medium Type: 4x4 Description: It lies in the main part of the Valley, making it a magnificent vantage point for the whole of Mijaran: the forest track that leads out of Vilac takes us up above the 2000 m mark. The visitor can thus delight in [...]
Ruta Vilamòs. Capèla de Sant Miquèu
Route: Baqueira - Locampo Ravine Difficulty: Medium Type: 4x4 Description: The Valley of Ruda is an extraordinary example of a glacial valley, its bank crowded by black pine forests. This valley can be spotted from the road from Baqueira to la Bonaigua. Many people believe that the top part of this valley, the cirque of [...]