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Autumn Gastronomic Days

This October, with the collaboration of some of the best restaurants in the valley, every weekend there will be monographic gastronomic days on seasonal ingredients: steak, misharnons (mushrooms), guaranteed brand products, game and spoon.

This autumn we are waiting for you in the Val d’Aran, the land of a thousand colours!

Download here the Menús de las Jornadas Gastronómicas de otoño

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Snow and mountain stock fair

During the Pilar weekend, from 9 to 12 October, a snow and mountain stock fair will take place in the Val d’Aran. The Arties multipurpose hall will host this event organised by Torisme Val d’Aran and Consèlh Generau d’Aran, with the collaboration of the E.M.D. de Arties, Baqueira Beret and the Diputació de Lleida.

In addition to an interesting range of sports material, there will be activities and draws, including a Baqueira Beret season pass.

Get ahead of the snow season and prepare your equipment!



A September of pure well-being in the Val d'Aran

More than a hundred activities for the health of body and mind

A full agenda with over a hundred wellness activities is planned for September in the Val d’Aran. The aim is to consolidate the valley as an ideal destination where you can recharge your energy and renew your body and mind.

With the healthiest environment as a backdrop, throughout the month there will be sessions of integral yoga, yoga for the elderly, hatha vinyasa, biogroove, qi gong, kundalini, pranayama, taichí, family yoga, yoga for children and urban dance. Various workshops have also been programmed on healthy cooking, astrology, meditation, storytelling and chanting.

As a complement, every day there will be a walk connecting with nature in such emblematic places as Uelhs deth Joeu, Artiga de Lin and the Pomero waterfall; Salardú, the Corilha and Gessa hut; Bassa d’Arres and Victoria mines; the Carlac forest; the Torán valley and its waterfalls; the Bahns de Tredòs; the ancient Bossòst cave; the Molières waterfall and the Conangles forest and the Aiguamòg valley.

To carry out these activities, the Consèlh Generau d’Aran and Torisme dera Val d’Aran, the promoters of the initiative, have the collaboration of different specialists in teaching these techniques. Other professionals such as physiotherapists, masseurs, osteopaths and beauticians will also offer individual wellness services.

Download here the brochure with the complete programme of El mes del bienestar en la Val d’Aran

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Aran Musicau: concerts under the sky

Aran Musicau is the new cultural proposal for the summer Saturdays in the Val d’Aran. Three concerts: 15, 22 and 29 August, three styles: gospel, classical and jazz and three locations: Santuari de Montgarri, Capella de Sant Blai de Les and Plan Batalhèr.

The free concert series, organized by the Consèlh Generau d’Aran and Torisme Val d’Aran with the collaboration of the Arxiprestat dera Val d’Aran and the Diputació de Lleida, will take place in the open air, respecting all the security measures, in three emblematic locations of the valley.

Download here the poster with the programme of Aran Musicau in PDF.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Mercats d'Aran: Local products and craftsmen closer

Mercats d’Aran is the new initiative promoted by the Consèlh Generau d’Aran through Torisme Val d’Aran and Marca de Garantia Val d’Aran to encourage local artisan and local trade. Throughout the month of August, the main towns of Aran will host a popular market dedicated to food and local crafts.

The markets will take place from Monday to Friday in the afternoon, from 5 to 9 pm, each day in a different town and in this order: Salardú, Vielha, Bossòst, Arties and Les. They will sell products made by Aranese craftsmen and producers.

List of shops

  • Cava Beso (Vielha) – Cassís de Mont, Mèu Eth Brinhon, Tomates seques Encantaran.
  • Marmot Aran (Vielha)
  • Cabin Fever Shop-Outlet Vielha
  • Calafate Ski Center (Arties)
  • Feel Fit Aran (Vielha)
  • Eth Cerèr d’Urtau – productes deth Cerèr d’Urtau, ceràmica Carme Vicens, embotits Es d’Ordóñez, hormatges Tarrau.
  • Eth Caprici (Bossòst)
  • Perfums entà Toti (Vielha)
  • Pajarito Num Num – Artesania
  • Sonia Montilla – Artesania
  • Pengabelotaran – FoodTRuck
  • Lanaranesa – Artesania
  • Refu Birreria – Artesania
  • Ca la Costa – Artesania
  • Janice Jonh Stone – Ròba e caucèr
  • Dwayna Artesania i Designs – Artesania

Marca de Garantia Val d’Aran

The Val d’Aran guarantee brand is a formula that groups quality products guaranteed by periodic controls and handcrafted in the Val d’Aran. It guarantees the consumer the authenticity of the product and its differentiation and includes cheeses, sausages, beer, caviar and sturgeon, pâtés, yoghurt, honey, cider, trunks, vinegar and mustard.

"Aran lo hace bien", new accreditation for Aranese establishments.

Torisme de Val d’Aran collaborates with the initiative “Aran does it well”, a seal created by Viu Aran to accredit those shops and establishments committed to complying with current regulations and offering their services correctly. At present, some 75 companies in the valley in the gastronomy, trade, activities, accommodation, industry and service sectors already have this accreditation.

This proposal also includes the “Tarjeta de Aran” (Aran Card), which provides interesting benefits in numerous establishments throughout the year, as well as in different tourist services. It can be acquired in Tourist Offices, Hotels and associated shops at a special price during this first year for only 5 euros. Thanks to this card you can obtain discounts in establishments, offers in tourist services and other advantages.

Viu Aran, the digital commercial and tourist guide of the Val d’Aran, aims to increase the visual presence of Aran business and company information in different digital media. The aim of this guide is that both locals and tourists can find the widest range of industrial services, wellness, gastronomy, leisure, places and other services of interest.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Guidaran, the new Val d'Aran touristic App

Intuitive, fast, easily accessible and with information on all the tourist products of interest in the Val d’Aran, Guidaran is the new app presented virtually this morning by the Conselhèria de Torisme de Val d’Aran. The event was attended by its creators, Álvaro Ariño and Joan Carabias, and the advisor on territorial matters, Dani Gavaldà, in addition to the Síndic d’Aran, Paco Boya, and the Conselhèr of Economy, Tourism and Economic Promotion, Juan Antonio Serrano.

Guidaran is a smartphone application compatible with IOS and Android, to share and centralize tourist information. Aimed at visitors and the Aranese themselves, it can be consulted in 4 languages: Catalan, Spanish, French and English. It will also be available throughout the year, adapting the products to each season.

How it works

Guidaran has 5 screens that direct to the information contained in the app with different purposes: product categories; maps with identifying icons; search; identification of nearby points; and more information (services, etc…). The app can be downloaded through the QR codes located in the different tourist offices of the valley, in strategic points of the area, in brochures and in the information published on this website.

From the Consèlh Generau and the Conselheria de Torisme have been very satisfied with the operation of the same and has welcomed the technological talent of its young creators Aranese. It has also been stressed that the App will minimize the use of paper brochures and expedite the procedures in the offices of Torisme in times of capacity constraints due to current security measures.

Download here the PDF with Guidaran brochure

Val d'Aran, pure well-being

The healthy mountain climate, a clean and decongested environment, medicinal thermal waters, a wide range of activities and natural therapies, gentle hiking trails, local products, … make the Val d’Aran an ideal place for those seeking a tourism of pure welfare to restore, get fit or simply a space for meditation and relaxation.

In this Atlantic valley of our Pyrenees springs of sulphurous waters rich in minerals at more than 30 degrees, properties that make them excellent for fighting respiratory, rheumatic and circulatory diseases. Authentic health cures for body and mind through different thermal circuits where, in addition to eliminating toxins, you can enjoy spectacular views from the top of our mountains.

Beyond physical recovery, the different recreational and medical centers in the valley, specialized in mental well-being, yoga and relaxation, offer natural therapies and various programs to achieve physical and mental balance. Their motivation is for visitors to connect with themselves and with the natural environment to detoxify, recharge their batteries and return as a new person.

Waterfalls, lakes, forests and glacial circuses

The natural environment of the Aran, which has water and a wealth of plant species as its protagonists, adds to these activities, increasing the results of the experience. Examples of this are the impressive waterfalls, the lush forests of ancient trees and the glacial lake cirques. The most spectacular is Colomers, which can be reached from the Bahns de Tredòs, which, at 1740m, is the highest spa in Europe.

These landscapes, with nature in its purest state, encourage the practice of healthy activities such as gentle hiking. More than 550 km of signposted routes, where everyone can mark the distance and intensity of the journey, allow you to discover, from emblematic points of interest of the destination, to its wildest and most inhospitable places.

A tourism of well-being where the healthy mountain cuisine cannot be missing with foundations in traditional recipes. Aran’s gastronomy makes the most of the quality of the land’s resources with its local products that make up the already certified “Val d’Aran Guarantee Brand”. From the garden, hunting and fishing come the dominant ingredients of local dishes that distil freshness and authentic flavor.

The first mountain destination to receive the Biosphere accreditation, the Val d’Aran undoubtedly possesses a rich heritage for the development of wellness tourism. This will become a reality next autumn with the launch of various initiatives to encourage its status as a healthy destination.

Translated with https://www.deepl.com/translator

Protocols and security measures for Tourist Offices

Hours of operation

  • From 23 June to 7 July: every day from 9:30am to 1:30pm and from 4pm to 8pm.
  • From 8 July to 13 September: every day from 9h to 14h and from 15h to 21h.

Regulations on brochures::

There will be NO self-service of tourist brochures in the office, they will only be delivered at the counter on time. However, they can be downloaded in PDF format:

Protocol of attention to the public

  • Maximum capacity: 4 people.
  • Mask required.
  • Wash your hands with the hydroalcoholic gel at the entrance.
  • Respect the safety distance (2 metres) while waiting for your turn
  • Fishing: only available online at the Conselh Generau d’Aran website.

Download Fishing map.

Comprar Fishing ticket

Experiencia virtual en homenaje a nuestras Hèstes deth Huec

Las fiestas del fuego, una tradición aranesa declarada Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad por la Unesco, han sido canceladas este año debido a la crisis sanitaria.

Los ayuntamientos de Les y Arties, localidades donde tienen lugar cada año las Hèstes deth Huec, han acordado cancelar este año el evento. La situación de alerta sanitaria provocada por la pandemia de coronavirus ha llevado a tomar esta decisión con la voluntad de evitar aglomeraciones. Desde Foment Torisme Val d’Aran queremos aprovechar la efeméride para proyectar este recuerdo virtual de unas fiestas que ya forman parte de nuestra identidad y constituyen uno de los principales reclamos turísticos del verano aranés.

Eth Haro de Les y Eth Taro de Arties se celebran la noche de San Juan coincidiendo con el solsticio de verano, y marcan el inicio de la temporada estival. Durante la velada se quema un tronco especialmente preparado para la ocasión, en un concurrido ritual acompañado de música y danzas tradicionales donde participa todo el pueblo.

En diciembre de 2015, el comité intergubernamental de la Unesco declaró las fallas del Pirineo como Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial de la Humanidad. Esta catalogación contempla las 63 fiestas del fuego que se celebran durante el solsticio de verano en los Pirineos, entre las cuales se incluyen La Crèma deth Haro de Les i la Crèma deth Taro d’Arties.

Crèma deth haro en Les

E_19770bEl escenario del ritual es la Plaça deth Haro, donde, sobre las 10 de la noche llega la procesión al ritmo de las danzas tradicionales de Es Corbilhuèrs de Les. Tras la bendición y encendido del haro por parte del sacerdote del pueblo, se le prende fuego y se procede a la quema de les halhes, una especie de antorchas fabricadas con corteza de cerezo que se hacen girar describiendo círculos y simulando la lucha para purificar y quemar los malos espíritus. La ceremonia finaliza con un baile alrededor del haro encendido, mientras en la plaza se sirve el “vin caud”, vino caliente con azúcar, ron y fruta que se toma junto a la tradicional coca de Sant Joan.

Unos días más tarde, el 29 de junio, festividad de San Pedro, tiene lugar la “Quilha deth haro”, es decir, la plantada del nuevo Haro. Los recién casados tienen el honor de distinguirlo con una corona de flores, como rito para pedir fecundidad. Este árbol preside la plaza vieja de Les durante un año, hasta la próxima noche de San Juan.

Previamente, el segundo sábado de mayo el pueblo ha celebrado la “Shasclada” momento mágico en que se le clavan las cuñas al árbol y se convierte en sagrado. Cabe señalar que el levantamiento del haro se lleva a cabo con la misma técnica que usaba el hombre primitivo para enderezar los menhires: se levanta desde el suelo y a base de fuerza y de ir apuntalándolo se van ganando grados de altura hasta que finalmente se planta y se clava.


Crèma deth taro en Arties

El Taro, preparado para la fiesta, se enciende y arrastra por las calles y plazas de Arties, acompañado de música y de los vítores de los asistentes, en un recorrido hasta altas horas de la madrugada que termina delante de la casa del alcalde, donde se deja, totalmente carbonizado.

Según la tradición, las cenizas de Eth Taro protegen, purifican y fertilizan, por lo que al esparcirlas por todo el pueblo alejan a los malos espíritus.

Un mes antes de la fiesta tiene lugar la Tallada deth Taro. Una expedición de hombres sale a buscar el taro -el tronco puede llegar a medir 8 metros- lo cargan hacia el pueblo y lo preparan para su quema.

Origen y desarrollo del ritual

Desde tiempos ancestrales, cuando llegaba el solsticio de verano, se celebraban en el Pirineo cuatro ritos muy extendidos: el del fuego purificador a través de los haros i de las halhes; el de tomar el rocío, el agua de esta noche, especial por sus virtudes milagrosas; el de recoger las plantas que han recibido el rocío y que adquieren también propiedades curativas, y el de jugar al escondite, en una noche en que la mujer se igualaba al hombre y lo tenía todo permitido.

TEXTOweb2El rito del fuego, que tiene sus inicios en la ceremonia pagana que se realizaba en honor al Dios Sol, -denominado Abelio en la Val d’Aran y en Cominges- con el tiempo se incorporó a la tradición cristiana y en algunas localidades se ha mantenido hasta nuestros días. Consiste en la quema de las fallas durante la noche más corta del año y con el fuego se escenifica este cambio de ciclo en el año solar, cuando comienza el declive del día. En Les y en Arties, las fallas se llaman haros o taros y son árboles de 12 m de altura.

Con este rito se perseguía la purificación, la quema de los malos espíritus –que en la Val d’Aran llamamos “erulets”- y de todo aquello que trae la desgracia y la enfermedad a humanos y animales. A continuación se llevaba una parte del carbón y las cenizas a las casas y a las cuadras para evitarles el mal, y otra parte a los huertos y campos para pedir buena cosecha.