Come discover the mammals of the Val d' Aran outdoors during the weekend from 24 to 26 October

The Department of Miei Naturau of Conselh Generau d’Aran invites you to all the family to spend a fun weekend looking for small mammals that live hidden in our forests. An activity for young and old, discovery and recognition of mammal species in the Val d’Aran and learning the method of scientific study of this group of fauna.

Net Era des Murguetes on Friday 24 and arrat Dromilhèr The Tour der Gray on Saturday 25 and Sunday 26: During the weekend of 24, 25 and 26 October two activities will be developed.


Friday 24:

– 18h to 20h: Search for the first signs of wildlife in the Val d’Aran, origami workshops and masks and talk about mammals.

– 20h: Dinner.

– 21h to 22: 30h: Prospecting night trapping device.

Saturday 25:

– 10h: Talk: What do we know Arrats dromilhèrs des grisi?

– 11h: Tour revision and control of project breeding stations arrat Dromilhèr Grey

Sunday 26:

– 16h: Visit the breeding station Betren. Location: Conselh Generau d’Aran.

The event is free but limited. To register, you have at your disposal the phone Conselh Generau d’Aran, 973 64 18 01 (Cristina Madruga) or by sending an email to:

* To make it easier to follow the activity, the refuge offers accommodation and restaurant (menu € 10 € adults and 6 children).